Dart as new sailor – circa 1942
Official portrait of a good-looking sailor
Dot’s house in Greenwich, CT. 115 Mason Street

Dart and Dot on Dart’s leave, Fall 1944
Dot with Helen Peterson, Cleveland 1944
A sailor and his proud mom, 1944
The “Spot and Arrow” name may need some explanation. For those who don’t know, Mom and Dad used to sign their greeting cards with a “.” & “>>—>”. When my husband got a birthday card from them while we were dating, he opened it and wondered, “Who are Spot and Arrow?”
Nancy, I asked my Mom the same thing once when I was just learning to read. “Who are spot and arrow”.
I’ve heard several versions over the years. Let’s just say that lots of people have had the same interpretation of Dot’s unique “signature.”
I’ve been re-reading some of my letters to Dart since Susan started this blog and can only say that I am mighty lucky that that sailor wanted mail cuz’ my letters were hardly literary or even interesting. But what can you expect from a love-sick 17 year old?
I still only get the 2 pictures that have been on the site for a while. The one of Mom and Dad in 1945 is not there when I go to photos. What could I be doing wrong?
The one I just saw was taken after we were married and lived on Superior Ave. in Cleveland
Mom, the date on the back of the original photo says, “Dart and Dot, 1945”. I shared it ’cause there are so few photos from the actual days of the letter-writing.
Also, I can’t imagine Dad wearing his sailor suit years after he was out of the service. I think the 1945 date is accurate.
Nancy, you’re right. Dart was home on leave and I made the trip to Ohio to see him. We were engaged but not married until 1947.
I’ve added a photo of Dot’s childhood home in Greenwich, Connecticut. It was a huge place with a fantastic wrap-around porch. Dot’s room was on the (unheated) third floor. It was a wonderful house to explore when we were kids visiting my grandmother there. The place still stands as a clothing boutique, although the porch was demolished decades ago.
Mom’s bedroom was painted dark green. As small children, we were pretty sure the room was haunted. When we opened the closet door to find a white clothing bag hanging there, we were CONVINCED it was haunted ’cause it had a ghost in the closet!
Dart wrote a comment on the back of the New Sailor (white uniform) that the brown shoes – hard to see in a black and white photo – were ok’d with the Navy because his Navy issue shoes (do you suppose they were blue?) did not fit. I’ll bet they were too wide. He had the skinniest feet – until I came along! 🙂
Too bad we don’t have pictures of Dot from her days at Andrews. It would provide a bit of balance to the photos. Still, it is nice to have ANY photos from 70 years ago.
After speaking with Aunt Dot then to direct me to this blog, I find myself so intrigued by the past letters and photos of two people so in love. That’s sweet! That’s nice!
Welcome to the blog, Beth. As you’re looking through your parents’ things, I’d love to post any good photos you find of Burke, Peg, Dot, Dart, or our grandparents.
This is a wonderful blog! Thank you for sharing such beautiful photos and letters.