Another cheery letter from Dot with a great deal of space devoted to plans and alternate plans for a Saturday date with Dart in Cleveland. I often hear about the simpler times of a past era, but the era of these letters doesn’t seem at all simple to me. Plans were made primarily by mail because long distance phone rates were so expensive. If the mail was too slow, plans remained incomplete. To top it all off, there was that pesky problem of gas rations which could throw icy water on any travel plans. It’s a wonder anyone ever got together!
Dot shows her sense of humor again, first by bragging about her “B” in chemistry and then slamming her intelligence. She wraps it all up in a flippant little bow when she suggests her good grade was a result of her “wisdom teeth coming in.”
In this letter, Dot mentions having seen the film “For Whom the Bell Tolls” with friends. The sharing of film recommendations is a recurring theme throughout the long correspondence of Dot and Dart. I think I’ll make a list of the titles they suggest and see if I can track some of them down on Netflix!
Susan, I hope you can find some of those old films. In my old fashioned estimation they are far superior to most of the films made today. Mom