Here’s a short and melancholy letter from Dart. He describes the beauty of nature under a very heavy frost, but adds that it would have been prettier if seen from the outside.
A new chief surgeon has decided to keep all the pilonidal cyst cases a while longer for observation. He is despondant that he’ll never get back to active duty. It has been a whopping 49 days since his surgery!
He’s homesick and discouraged, but ever sure of his love for Dot.
Dot’s letter today is also brief. Like Dart, she is in a weird state of mind. She wonders if this “puppy love” affair they are having will amount to anything, or will it go up in a puff of smoke someday. It must be hard to maintain confidence of your true feelings and those of your beloved over the obstacles of months and miles, especially when the rlationship was so new when the two were separated.
She includes a poem she says she found that expresses her feelings. Hmmm…I wonder if she is the author?