July 26, 1944

Here’s a short but entertaining letter from Dart. He begins by saying there was no news and proceeds to tell Dot all his news.

He received a note from Fred today saying he had boarded a train on Saturday headed for San Francisco! Dart figures he’ll be in town by tomorrow. He’s also learned that his buddy Angel is permanently stationed in the city at an Army Air base. I hope he gets to see his friends while he is there. Wouldn’t that be a nice perk, being so far from home.

He had telephone watch recently. He reports that it’s a nice job, and like many of the nice jobs at the base, it is often assigned to Fire Control students. He looks forward to working it again.

Then he tells Dot a rather alarming story. The other day he was in class, hunched over his desk when a guy who was working on the framework of his building fell through the ceiling directly over Dart’s desk! “If the man hadn’t swung on the rafters as he passed through the ceiling he would have landed right on my hunched form. As it was, I got a bruised elbow and plaster in my hair and all over my blues. He was only shaken up and as we helped him out of the room, we asked him to ‘drop’ in on us again sometime.”

He ends his letter with a P. S. “There was news after all!”


Here’s a hurried note from Dot.


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