June 1, 1946

Dart warns that today’s letter will be short. It seems the weather has turned cold, and since his window was open all day, his room is quite chilly and he must soon crawl into his bed to try to warm the sheets. Tonight, more than usual, he wishes Dot were with him to help with that task.

A good letter from Burke came today, but he still has no word on when he’ll be coming home. Meanwhile, Dart awoke to turmoil in the house as his parents really set about polishing, waxing, scrubbing and dusting, in preparation for the Chamberlain’s visit. It was only after they were done that Dot called to say they weren’t coming after all. More on that later.

Because of his help early in the day, Dart earned the evening off, so he spent it at Homer’s, helping him with his railroad-to-be. Dart fervently hopes Homer will return the favor in the near future.

It was while he was at Homer’s that Dot called. How sorry he was to learned that he’d missed hearing her voice. But more than that, he knows how terribly disappointed she  must be that her parents have opted not to come. Perhaps now she’ll decide to spend her vacation in Cleveland with him, before he starts classes.

“My writing’s been getting smaller so I’d have enough room on the page to say I love you. But all I can do is say it, without any demonstration of how, or how much.”

#          #          #

Dot’s letter is written on some classy new Kent State stationery. She bought it, along with some shoes, socks and school supplies today. The supplies are for her six-week session later this summer.

It took an hour and a half of coaxing by her housemates for her to get the courage to call Dart tonight. She was feeling as blue as her new paper and thought that hearing his voice might be just the ticket to cheer her up. Even though she wasn’t able to talk with him, the call had the desired effect because she had a lovely chat with his mother.

News from the house is that Al sent Phyll a beautiful corsage of three gardenias. Sadly, Phyll had just left town for the weekend, so she’ll miss the opportunity to wear it to church on Sunday. It appears as if things are moving forward for those two.

Dot didn’t work today and won’t tomorrow because she has too much reading and studying to do. For some reason, there was no letter from Dart today, even though his mother mailed one yesterday. That means she may get two or three on Monday. Considering that’s the day of her physical science exam, she says she’ll need all the morale builders she can muster.

“Could it be that it’s been only a week since you were here? It seems more like a month. I’ve missed you terribly, Dart. My heart begins to throb whenever I think about how much I love you and want to show it.”

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