March 21, 1944

Dart was happy to receive two swell letters, complete with two swell pictures of a swell girl! The photo booth pics from the dime store were a big hit with him.

Like Dot, he was awake very late on both Saturday and Sunday nights, mostly thinking about her.

He saved the bad news for last. The only way to tell if phlebitis is cured is to allow the patient to walk around after the swelling goes down. If the swelling returns, he’s not cured. It did, so he isn’t. Perhaps if he used “swell” in his vocabulary with a little less frequency, he’d have less swelling! At any rate, he’s feeling pretty bitter right now.


Feeling it is about time for her to write Dart a decent letter, Dot will try to do it with this one. She surmises that the most logical reason that he has not received any Special Delivery letters from her is that she hasn’t sent any! That would certainly explain it.

As a senior, she must write a paper on her philosophy. She’s dreading the assignment, but part of it is to interview various people about how they feel about religion, race, right and wrong, etc. After hearing what other folks think about such things, she is supposed to be better prepared to share her own thoughts. Therefore, she has asked Dart to send his ideas about life’s big issues. This sounds like it’s right up his alley, and it should help them learn even more about each other.

She’s listening to the Bob Hope radio program. A few months ago he was put off the air for reading an “undesirable joke.” Tonight he made a crack that he had a great joke up his sleeve, but NBC wouldn’t let him use it.

Dot adds that since her mother’s birthday is in three days, she needs to end her letter to Dart and write to her mom. Before sealing the envelope, she inserts a poem written by her mother, as well as a sassy little ditty going around Andrews School.


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