July 27, 1944

Dot’s letter begins:  “Today the mailman asked me if I’d been ‘jilted’. Have I? I told him I’d be able to answer him tomorrow. You’re not going to let me down, are you? I’m not scolding, just telling you other people miss your letters, too.”

Franklin Simons cancelled all days off this week, but surprisingly offered to let Dot take hers. She jumped at the chance. Did they know she spends most of her “off-time” babysitting and cleaning house? They must have recognized a certain Cinderella-ness about the poor girl.

She tells him that if she can dig up enough news she will write him a long letter tomorrow. She asks that he not take her comments about his correspondence too seriously. For now, all she cares about is him passing his course with flying colors.

She closes by saying that if her love for him increases, she will surely burst.


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