July 30, 1944

Writing to his “Dearest Sweetheart,” Dart jots another hasty note. Although he has six unanswered letters from Dot, he only has six minutes to write.

He has learned that Fred is on Treasure Island, but Dart has walked all over the place and can find no trace of him. He may be out on liberty and could ship out before Dart finds him.

On his walk, he reports seeing several interesting sights, including huge flying boats and some Pan American Clippers.

That’s all he has time to write, except to say he loves her, of course.


Dot’s letter is slightly less brief, but it’s just the kind of letter that surely warmed Dart’s heart.

The opening paragraph is her sassy attempt at a pick-up line. “Hello, tall, dark and handsome. How are you this evening? Like to sit down and have a chat?” In case he thinks she’s trying to pick him up, she assures him that’s exactly what she’d like to do – pick him up and put him out of reach for all others!

She tells him her date with her old friend was cancelled due to the friend’s illness, but she and Janie went to see Pin-up Girl starring Betty Grable. Now she sees what Dart meant so long ago when he expressed the opinion that Betty G. came off as being rather “cheap.”

Dot babysat again for Eric and Chris, but this time they were little angels and left her with nothing to complain about.

She tells Dart is seems more like four years than four weeks since he was in her house.  She says it’s terrible to live on memories, but those memories are so precious, she can’t just toss them aside. “If I had nothing else to live for, those memories alone would keep me happy for a great many years.”

She reminds Dart that in less than two months, they will pass the first anniversary of their meeting. She proclaims that it seems she has known him much longer. In fact, she avers that she has known him a very long time, but it just took awhile to find him.

She announces she’s homesick for San Francisco and a certain sailor. She begs forgiveness for letting this letter get a bit “mushy” (as though that would bother Dart!), but “…doggone, it! If I can’t tell you in person I just have to get it across to you by letter that I’m crazy about you. In fact, I’d go so far as to say I love you.” No kidding!


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