Once again, Dot is a solo correspondent today and she turns the tables on Dart by doing a little bragging of her own. She had the highest sales tally at Franklin Simons this week, due to her selling a blended muskrat fur coat for $252.00. In an effort to keep up her tally, she asks Dart, “Sir, would you be interested in giving your mother a beautiful beaver coat which only costs a mere $695.00?”
She tells Dart she got the surprise of her life today when she ran across a girl she attended grammar school with who now has two children. She also got a letter telling of the immanent marriage of a classmate from Andrews. “What fools these mortals be,” quotes Dot.
In other news, she learned that her despised retailing teacher, Miss Hutton will not be returning to school this fall. Dot bemoans the fact that she didn’t leave a year earlier, thereby saving her a lot of grief.
Finally, Andrews is adding two courses this school year; Latin and the Bible. Dot deems both of them essential to this year’s seniors. With that, her news is done, and she bids him good night.