Dot begins this letter with a direct quote from a letter Dart wrote to her one year ago this very day. “I’m sorry I didn’t write yesterday, and I don’t think this will be much of a letter tonight.” She says the same opening line is as true for her today as it was for him then. The only difference is he didn’t write because he’d had a temperature of 103 and “felt lousy.” She simply cleaned her closet last night.
Closet cleaning is her most dreaded task. It pains her to throw away sentimental junk, but it works wonders for the closet.
She took care of Carter tonight and had an easy time of it. It’s very late as she writes this, but Franklin Simons is closed tomorrow for Washington’s birthday, so she needn’t get up early. “Isn’t it nice George was born on a weekend this year,” she quipped.
Tomorrow she babysits for a little boy she’s never met. She thought it was worth a try since her last “blind date” worked out so well.
She just counted all the letters she’s ever received from Dart and they number 357! She wonders how many she’s written him and declares she’d rather have one from him than a million from her.
It’s no use fighting sleep any longer. She hopes to carry her daytime dreams of him into her slumber.
She also enclosed a page from The Saturday Evening Post full of cartoons, silly stories and amusing anecdotes. She hopes it will entertain him for a few minutes. I’m sure it will. What a clever way to pad her letters a bit for his enjoyment.