November 7, 1943: Two-letter day

From Dart comes another slightly distracted letter with more details about daily life at Navy boot camp.  He is particularly unenthusiastic about beans for breakfast.

Since this letter is written before he has received any mail at camp, he has nothing to respond to from Dot’s letters to him.

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From Dot comes a typically chatty letter about life at Andrews.  She’s a little less reserved about letting Dart know she likes him and misses him.

My favorite passage is “How’s the place been treating you these days?  Hope they haven’t worked you too hard. I think if they worked any of what little there is of you off, you’d be ‘Just a Memory.'” Let’s face it, the man was skinny!

How hard it must have been for these two people to keep thinking of things to write nearly every day. I mean, they barely knew each other, and there has been a period of a few days with no letters being received on either end. I guess this was good practice for that time in the future when mail would not catch up with them for weeks. Personally, I am very glad they kept up the correspondence even when they didn’t have much to say.

Dot is already daydreaming about the day Dart gets his post-training leave. She imagines it will be around the 15th of December so that they will have about a week to see each other before she returns to Connecticut for the holidays. It’s hard to guess which one of these kids is more infatuated with the other, but they both seem to be in pretty deep after a few short weeks.

Dot’s mother is returning home on the night train this evening. I think a certain young lady will feel mighty lonesome over the next few weeks, with both her her family and her fella far, far away.

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