April 2, 1944

Jubilation! Dart was nearly speechless with joy from the five minute phone conversation he’d just had with Dot! He was so excited to be hearing her voice that he doesn’t recall much of what they said to each other. He does remember, however, that Dot said something about stalling for as long as possible before leaving school, in hopes they could see each other.

The only thing left for him to say was that he must wrap up this brief note so that he could write his folks the news about his phone call with Dot. Isn’t it sweet that this young man feels like sharing his feelings about his girl so openly with his parents? What a sweet and gentle man he was, then and always.


Dot’s letter reflects awe and enthusiasm equal to Dart’s about the phone call. She’s walking on air and pinching herself, simultaneously. She paints a funny picture of the scene when she was called to the phone this afternoon, drawing in the bit players of roommate Cathie, a guy named Art Cain and housemother Mrs. Woodworth.

She told about a dream she had recently where Dart and his parents were having dinner at Dot’s place. Dart spilled some gravy down his shirt and his mother really laid into him. Then Mrs. Peterson did the same thing. The scene switched to Dart drying dishes with an apron on – a role Dot says he looked quite well playing.

She’ll be leaving Thursday at noon to spend the Easter weekend at Janice’s house in Cleveland. Meanwhile, she needs to write to her mother and send a wedding anniversary card to brother Gordon. I get the feeling she’d rather stay up all night writing to Dart.

She orders him not to talk back to the doctor – to be a good patien so he will get that leave!


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