April 11, 1944

Dart’s mail today brought two highly coveted surprises – a box of fudge from Dot and the news that she and his family finally met. He’s thrilled by the reports he’s had from Dot and his father about how the evening went.

Most of the rest of the letter consisted of comments Dart made to Dot’s most recent one. Toward the end he reports that he finally heard from the doctor. First, there is no chance he’ll get leave before returning to active duty. Second, the “no-sitting” regimen seems to be working. His back is healing nicely, and the doc thinks that by the end of the week, he’ll know just how much longer Dart will be in the hospital.


Dot’s mail also brought smiles to her. Upon her return from Easter break, she found three letters from Dart waiting for her. She was hoping to dash off a letter before she had to go downstairs to set the table for dinner. (Some posh boarding school she attends, eh? Students have to do all sorts of chores!)

There was some discussion about why Dart continues to have bad luck where his health is concerned. She does not accept his theory that he is either being punished for something terrible or paying in advance for the happiness that will follow. All she knows is that she wants the streak to end, and end soon!

She reported that her Easter finery consisted of last year’s dress, coat and hat and a new pair of shoes. She would have had a new dress if she’d had the “ambition” to finish it. (When? Between school work, job, chores, writing copious letters and sleeping, I’d say she’s had rather full days of late.)

She was glad to hear that Dart had such fine musical entertainment in his ward. She asked if he had joined in on any of the musical instruments. She made sure to make mention of his brother’s prowess on the kettle drums after failing to be impressed enough when Dart’s father told her that Burke played them.

In response to his comments about daydreaming, she wrote “If you dream as much as I do, it must take up a good part of your time. I have dreamed so hard and so long about some things that I don’t know what I’ll do if they don’t come true.” Tantalizing!

She admits she doesn’t know much about telepathy, except that once her mother wrote to her and asked Dot to think about her at a certain time. Then she was to write to her mother and tell her what she had thought her mom was doing at that moment. She played along, and was right!

She sternly scolds Dart for saying all those unfounded “purdy” things in his letter. She reminds him that he has had exactly two dates with her and can’t possible know how she acts when not on her best behavior. For all he knows, she could beat her little brother and talk back to her mother! (Well, she admits she doesn’t do either of those things, but she could do worse and he’d never know.)

She reveals that over the weekend she had lots of opportunity to do some deep thinking about Dart. She couldn’t decide if she loved him or if it was really his family she liked. She’s decided it’s both.

Her roommate Andy piped in to say she thought that Dart’s wanting to be an author was wonderful. Dot thinks he’s wonderful, even if he spends the rest of his life being a “guinea pig.”


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