April 6, 1946

Dart zips off a quick one-page letter before heading to bed at 1:30 AM. He and his buddy Al went to see Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman in Saratoga Trunk tonight. Dart liked it very much, especially the performance of a “cute and clever dwarf.”

Maybe Dot’s episode with Jester the speed swimmer the other day will teach her to pick on someone her own size. Still, he’s impressed that she only lost by three yards to a champion swimmer.

When Dart spoke with Al tonight about Phyl, Al admitted he had a preference for tall blondes, so it looks like Al and Phyl have dates for next Friday night. Dart wants to go on record as saying that the only girl he’s interested in seeing next Friday is Dot. “Just you. Only you. You, always.”

He has to hit the sack so he can get up in time for church tomorrow.

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As is often the case, Dot’s letter opens with the same thoughts as Dart’s. It’s after midnight, and she can’t write much because she wants to get up in time for church.

She’s delighted that their penny jar has grown to $32.11. She’s only saved $1.15 since she came back from spring break, and she wonders what Dart has been doing to add to it so fast.

The pictures he sent are swell. She still has to look at them for a long time to get over the fact that it’s really him in civilian clothes. How she loves looking at them, though.

She’s happy to hear that his first night as Jr Hi-Y advisor went so well. Those boys are obviously top-ranked, scholastically if they have the smarts to recognize how lucky they are to have him as an advisor! She knows both the boys and he will benefit from this arrangement, and she wishes him luck, altho’ he needs none from her.

Last night, she and Joyce, and Phyl decided to go to the movies, seeing a double feature of Doll Face and The Red Dragon. The movies were passable, mainly because the girls’ only alternative was to stay home and do some work. I think I can get a little idea of why her penny jar deposits aren’t growing as quickly as they might!

She got a rather hot letter from her mother today in response to one she’d written last week. In that earlier letter, Dot had expressed, perhaps too strongly, that she thought her parents’ excuses for not coming to Ohio to get her at the end of the school year were rather weak. Now Dart writes that he’s sure his folks will not agree to drive her back to Greenwich. Now it looks as though Dot’s hopes of getting the two families to get to know each other are more or less dashed. She’s pretty steamed about it, but what can she do?

Her mother also wrote that Gordon gave Betty a Philco radio-vic for their anniversary. It’s some kind of radio/record player where you slide the record into a slot to play it. Dot thinks they’ll regret not getting an automatic record changer instead. I tend to agree, because the technology she speaks of was still around 30 years later, but who even remembers the slot-style record player?

She sends Dart a big goodnight kiss and tells him she loves him in all the ways it’s possible to love.

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